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Sonified ELF signals from California, Hawaii and Virgin Island locations with 16x frequency shift

Much of my ELF measurement was done at my home using a 150' pine tree as antenna. During the recording, there was a power failure at 30s...

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Sonified ELF signals from California, Hawaii and Virgin Island locations with 16x frequency shift

Much of my ELF measurement was done at my home using a 150' pine tree as antenna.

During the recording, there was a power failure at 30s in that ended at 54s.

See previous post for all the gorey details.

This version has the frequency shifted by 16 times, 4 octaves, to make it more audible.

Sonified 16x during power failure 

Additional ELF reading using the new portable ELF receiver and ESP32 based controller.

Waimea canyon lookout parking lot

 using myself as antenna with belt.

Map of location: 22°04'17.3"N 159°39'43.9"W

Sonified audio: 2023-04-22-02_11_30-Waimea

Top plot: Signal plot, green raw and red filtered. 

Bottom plot is frequency spectrum of first ~2 seconds of signal

FFT 3D plot of entire signal, X axis is frequency, Y axis is time and Z is strength.

Blue Beard's castle, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, USA, 

On 2023-05-12 18:47, also using belt and myself as antenna on the roof.  The receiver is using 

Map of location: 18°20'25.1"N 64°55'26.8"W

Sonified audio: 2023-05-12-18_47_28-BlueBeardsCastle

Sandy Cay, British Virgin Islands

On 2023-05-18 07:36, using belt on small palm tree with 3 times around as antenna.

Sonified audio: 2023-05-18-07_36_09-SandCay

Map of location: 18°26'11.7"N 64°42'39.3"W

Picture of palm tree on Sandy Ca, there were 5 palms visible on east side and this was the north most and easiest to reach barefoot. The hermit crab that lived under wasn't to threatening.  

Plot of one of the readings: